The Sheperd's Memo
**************************************************** The Shepherd's desk **************************************************** To: My Flock
From: The Good Shepherd
Subject: Battle gear
Date: Always
Take the rest that I give when it comes. I know the battle that is to come. You cannot know. Legions of demons may come against you. Do not worry, this is not your battle. It breaks my heart that you are standing in the midst of the battlefield. The enemy is mine. Because I have called you and you answered, he is now after you.
He sees you as weak. To be honest, without me you are weak. Even with me, you may sometimes feel weak and defenseless. Try not to let that fear overtake you. I have promised you that I will never leave you, nor will I ever forsake you. I cannot tell a lie. I am truth.
My enemy is out to destroy me. He knows he cannot defeat me so he wants to corrupt what I hold most precious. That is you. He knows where my heart is; it's inside of you. To break my heart he must break you. You are the only thing in all of creation that I love enough to lay down my kingdom and life for. Satan knows this. He knows of my love for you. His hatred of me is so strong that he will sacrifice you in order to hurt me.
He wants to take your joy. He knows there is joy in your salvation. As I have told you, do not fear those who can hurt the body. You just listen to me and do as I tell you. I know what is best for you. I will never put upon you more than you can handle. If it proves too much, I will provide a way out. If you love me, trust me. All things come together for your good if you just love me.
The devil wants to take away your testimony and corrupt your witness to others. He knows that once you have tasted the joy of leading others to me you will crave it even more. There is such an intense immediate pleasure for you when someone you love gives his or her heart to me. You may not realize there is a greater treasure laid up for you in heaven. I can not describe it to you because no eye has ever seen nor has any heart imagined. So there is simply nothing on this earth to compare it to.
Satan will try many different tricks to keep you from witnessing to others. He is the father of all lies. He will try to convince you that you are not worthy, nor capable of telling others about me. That is not what I have told you. I have given you a commission. Go out, make disciples.
He will try to use your liberty against you. I just ask that you use your liberty wisely. Your life should be an example. You are my light. Through you and your life, I can shine so my lost ones can find their way home. The world can be a dark place; people need a light.
Remember please, the enemy can use other people. If someone tries to harm you know this; your enemy is not them. It is not against flesh and blood that we battle. It is against spiritual wickedness. Our enemy is Satan and his demons. They wreck havoc in this world.
I want you to love your neighbor. That doesn't mean just your brothers and sisters in my name. That includes all humans. Yes, even the ones you can't stand. Keep in mind that I died for you while you were still a sinner.
This spiritual wickedness reaches all the way up to the high places. You cannot rise above it. There are only two ways to avoid the battle. Both of them involve lying down; give up or die. You can lie down and quit or stand your ground as long as you live.
I know all about the battle, believe me. I also know that the flesh can be weak. That's why I have given you armor to protect you. Satan really hates this armor and he will try to chip away at it. Take care of it please, it is your life.
I am not asking you to put on this armor. I am telling you to put it on. I know what you are facing. I know the battle that is to come. I also don't want you to select the parts you may think you need. I want you to put on the whole armor. I tell you this for your good. The storm will pond as the battle rages on. The winds will be fierce. You will feel the pressure as you struggle to stay on your feet. If the enemy knocks you down he can only knock you to your knees. Call on my name. I will be your strength. When this is all over, you will stand with me.
I give you a helmet of salvation. This is to protect your mind. It will keep your focus on things eternal. Do not think too much about the trials you are facing right now. This is only temporary. You must remember that. What is everlasting is your joy. The troubles will not last forever and will soon be forgotten. This life is no more than a vapor compared to eternity.
I am giving you a belt of truth. The belt holds your pants up thereby covering your nakedness. If you wrap yourself in truth you will never be brought to shame.
I am giving you something very powerful to protect your heart. Your heart is so important. It must be protected at all times. I shed my blood so that you can take on my righteousness. Wear this breastplate made of righteousness. It is what is in the heart that makes you.
I give you shoes sown with the preparation of the gospel. I want you to read and study your Bible. It is the inspired word of our Father. Let me tell you how important words are to Father. I am called the Living Word. Father would not allow the human mind to misrepresent His truth. Read the Bible, study it, show yourself approved, test the scriptures. You will find the truth if you seek it.
Let the gospel lead your steps. Sometimes the path may not be clear. If you study you will be prepared. My peace will guide you. I am with you always, even to the end of time.
Above all, I want you to take this shield of faith. I know it may be heavy at first. The more trials you go through, the lighter it will feel. It's not that it is getting any lighter. Your faith is growing stronger.
The shield will hide you and protect you. Stay behind this shield and hold it up. The fiery darts will come your way. Don't peek out to check on how things are going. You can live just fine behind this shield.
Along with your armor, you will receive a sword. This is the only instrument with which to fight. This is no ordinary sword. This sword is the Word of God. I am the Word. I was with God in the beginning and I was made flesh to dwell among you.
As I told you from the start, this is not your battle. Do as I say and I will defend. Keep your mind on me, your life pure and guard your heart. Never cease to pray. Keep your faith up and don't be overcome by the cares of this world. Don't give up. I will return soon and I will bring my rewards with me.
I will present you to my Father and you shall become my joint heir in His kingdom.
I loved you before time began,